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Class LangContext

A language context. All translation takes place inside a context and contexts nest to allow their configuration to be modified. Normally you'll get a context using the useTranslation hook.


  • LangContext




defaultLang: string = "en"

The default language for this context. Used for any non-translated content.

retainAmbience: boolean = false

Whether to pass ambient language down the context stack.


  • get ambience(): string
  • The ambient language. This is defined in contexts which can't match the desired language so that a lang= attribute can be added to nested elements

    Returns string

  • get language(): string
  • The current language. This is the same as the first element of the languages array.

    Returns string

  • get languages(): string[]
  • Get the language preference stack for this context. The languages array is always normalised - duplicates are removed.

    const ctx = new LangContext({ lang: "cy", defaultLang: "en" });
    expect(ctx.languages).toEqual(["cy", "en"]);

    const ctx2 = ctx.derive({ lang: "de", defaultLang: "fr" });
    expect(ctx2.languages).toEqual(["de", "fr", "cy", "en"]);

    // "en" de-duplicated from languages
    const ctx3 = ctx2.derive({ lang: "en" });
    expect(ctx3.languages).toEqual(["en", "de", "fr", "cy"]);

    // Start from scratch with an explicit lang stack
    const ctx4 = new LangContext({ lang: ["en", "de", "fr", "cy"] });

    // All equivalent stacks are the same object

    Equivalent language arrays are always the same object. This makes it possible to use languages in e.g. React.useMemo() to perform expensive operations only when the language stack changes.

    Returns string[]

  • get search(): string[]
  • The context's language expanded for searching. The expansion of a particular language stack is canonicalised and cached - different contexts with the same languages will have the same search property too.

    const ctx = new LangContext({
    lang: ["en-GB-x-foo", "en-US", "fr-CA", "de-AT"]
    // Search path expands and groups tags
    // [
    // "en-GB-x-foo",
    // "en-GB",
    // "en-US",
    // "en",
    // "fr-CA",
    // "fr",
    // "de-AT",
    // "de"
    // ]

    The rules for tag expansion are slightly subtle. Notice in the example above that "en" is only injected after both "en-GB" and "en-US".

    Returns string[]


  • Turn something stringy into a TString. A plain string turns into a TString with its language set to defaultLang.


    Returns TString

    a TString that represents text

  • Create a new context nested below this one overriding any properties as desired.

    const root = new LangContext({ lang: ["en-GB"], defaultLang: "en" });
    const welsh = root.derive({ lang: "cy" });
    console.log(welsh.languages); // ['cy', 'en-GB', 'en']


    Returns LangContext

    a nested context

  • hasTag(tag: string): boolean
  • Check whether this context can resolve a particular tag. Use it to guard translation tags which might be missing.


    • tag: string

      the dictionary tag to check

    Returns boolean

    true if tag can be resolved

  • render(ts: TString, count?: number): string
  • Convert a TString to a string expanding any %{tag} expansions. Expansions are recursively looked up in the dictionary chain. Any % that isn't part of a tag expansion should be escaped as %%


    • ts: TString

      the string to render

    • Optional count: number

      the number of things in case of pluralisation

    Returns string

    a string with any %{tag} references resolved.

  • Resolve a text property which can be

    • a single element array containing the name of a tag
    • an existing TString or TFatString
    • a plain string

    Tags are resolved against the dictionary chain. Plain strings are converted into a TString with the context's defaultLang.


    Returns TString

    a TString containing the translation

  • Get a new language stack that prepends languages to the context's stack.

    const ctx = new LangContext({lang:"en"});
    console.log(ctx.resolveLocales(["cy"])); // ["cy", "en"]


    • langs: string[]

      languages to prepend to context's stack

    Returns LocaleStack

    a language array that prepends langs to the context's stack

  • resolveMagicProps<T>(props: T, lang?: string): T
  • Translate a React style props object by replacing any t-foo properties with foo containing translated text. The value of any t-* properties should be capable of being resolved by resolve.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • props: T

      a properties object to translate

    • Optional lang: string

      an additional language to add to the context's stack

    Returns T

    a new props object with t-* entries translated

  • Resolve a [tag], string, TString, fat string and translate it according to this context's languages.


    Returns TString

    a TString with the best language match selected

  • translateTextAndProps(text: TextPropType, props?: { lang?: string }, count?: number): { props: {}; str: string }
  • This is a convenience method which may be useful when wrapping components that don't work well with Interminimal. For example here's how we can set the page title using NextJS's Head component.

    // Inject page title into a NextJS <Head> component. We have to do the
    // translation explicitly because we can't nest a T inside a Head
    // Use this component *outside* of any other <Head></Head>
    const TTitle: ComponentType<TTitleProps> = ({ text, ...rest }) => {
    // Translate text and props
    const { str, props } = useTranslation().translateTextAndProps(text, rest);
    return (
    <title {...props}>{str}</title>


    • text: TextPropType

      the text to translate

    • props: { lang?: string } = {}

      a React style props object

      • [key: string]: any
      • Optional lang?: string
    • Optional count: number

      how many of a thing we have for pluralisation

    Returns { props: {}; str: string }

    an object { str, props } containing the translated text and properties.

    • props: {}
      • str: string

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